Monday 9 November 2015

Project One- Animals- Age 6-7

This is one of my earlier projects, i remember making this one!



My favourite scorpion is a scorpion that gives medicine for cancer. Scorpions are NOT JUST BLACK, they can be yellow, red, dark brown and light brown. Scorpions have eight legs. Scorpions are hunted by bats and owls. Here is a picture of a scorpion up above. Scorpions are very cool animals and are really calm. You guys might think that scorpions are scary but really you could hold a scorpion.  And if you were scared of SCORPIONS, don’t be. They are calm as can be. Some have hair. If you step on a scorpion it WILL attack.


Chimpanzees are really cool animals. And are a lot like us. Chimpanzees make faces for their  language 


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